LGCCSP4 (Local Government Climate Change Support Programme)
ICLEI is an implementing partner in the LGCCSP4 through the development of training material and provision of capacity building. The methodology used in the implementation of the activity is three fold as follows:
-To inform the development of the capacity building workshops, training materials and in-depth technical assistance, ICLEI undertook a desktop research and reviewed relevant studies, papers, and projects undertaken in South Africa, Africa and globally, with a specific focus on local government climate action and climate finance.
-To foster a thorough understanding of climate/green finance principles for local government officials, ICLEI developed a training manual drawing on the key lessons and implications for climate and green finance in South Africa.
– Conducted highly interactive training to 200 municipal officials using a learning-by-doing approach and to provide a review of municipal project proposals to determine the best-suited types of funding and financing and the best type of funders.