Biodiversity Action Plan for Udaipur: Stakeholders Discuss Importance of Ecosystem Services
ICLEI South Asia is developing the Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP) for Udaipur under the CapaCITIES-II project, which is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation. The LBSAP is a guiding strategy with specific actions suggested for achieving “optimal and realistic governance and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services,” and its development by urban local bodies is mandatory as per the Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
In this context, the first stakeholder consultation was conducted on the 26th of August 2022 in Udaipur to highlight the city’s critical ecosystems. The concept of ecosystem services and their applications were discussed, with the participants engaging in an activity to think critically about the city’s ecosystems, thus helping to generate awareness, and build capacities. Data on the ecosystem services is being compiled, and will be followed by the drafting of specific actions for each ecosystem along with a vision statement.