CDKN Asia Develops New Knowledge Products for Enhancing Climate Resilience

Several publications are being finalised and readied for launch under the Climate and Development Knowledge Network -Knowledge Accelerator(CDKN-KA) program.
ICLEI South Asia and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) have jointly developed a training manual on “Planning for Climate Resilience” for the benefit of local governments in Nepal. The process followed in the training manuals for developing a climate resilience strategy is based on ICLEI South Asia’s Climate Resilient Cities Action Plan Methodology (CRCAP) and ICIMOD’s Resilient Mountain Solutions Framework. A similar manual has been developed by ICLEI South Asia for Bangladesh based on the CRCAP of ICLEI South Asia. Both manuals are being reviewed and will be soon published.
View training modules for Nepal and Bangladesh
Three policy briefs on building climate resilience and reducing heat impacts are also being prepared. The policy brief on ‘Climate Resilience Planning in Mountainous Regions in Nepal’ will be launched soon, while two policy briefs on ‘Reducing Heat Impacts in Nepalgunj City in Nepal’ and ‘Reducing Heat Impacts in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh have been developed under the Red Cross Red Crescent Centre on Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness project to promote heat actions in cities in the two South Asian countries. Further, there is an assessment report on the identification of heat thresholds and heat hotspots in Nepalgunj and Rajshahi, in addition to a guidance note on ‘Early Warning Early Actions in Secondary Cities in South Asia’, and a heat communication guide for the subcontinent.
ICLEI South Asia is also supporting Dhulikhel Municipality in Nepal and Singra City Authority in Bangladesh to conduct their initial voluntary Local Review (VLR) of initiatives linked to the Sustainable Development Goals, with the support of UNESCAP. The VLR reports will be released soon.