CfL Summit report helps cities prepare for COP 12 in Korea

Multi-stakeholder coordination, knowledge access and management, green growth, communication, community engagement and partnerships: these are the main issues that emerged from the Cities for Life: Cities and Subnational Biodiversity Summit, that took place in Hyderabad, India, on 15-16 October 2102 in parallel to the CBD COP 11, and that are examined in more detail in the Summit report that has just been released.
The Cities for Life Summit report captures the wealth of ideas, tools, resources and messages that came out during the Summit, when more than 500 participants from local and regional governments, UN agencies, academia, business, national and international organisations came together to share their progress on the Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity and to discuss the next steps needed to meet the Aichi targets.
The report is released as the Korean Ministry of Environment announced the selection of the CBD COP 12 location: ICLEI member Pyeongchang, Gangwondo-Province will host the event from 29 September to 18 October 2014.
To find out more about the progress local and subnational governments have already made in contributing to achieve the Aichi targets, and what the steps ahead in the roadmap towards CBD COP 12 are, please click here: Cities for Life 2012 Summit Report.
To read past articles about the Cities for Life Summit, to download the presentations or view the event pictures, click on the corresponding link:
Cities for Life: photo gallery & presentations
‘Cities for Life’ puts biodiversity back on urban agenda
The Hyderabad Declaration: city leaders pledge for biodiversity
LAB India programme launch: ten cities sign up
The Hyderabad Biodiversity Index: a first for Indian cities