Expand your knowledge about urban mobility – E-learning with SOLUTIONS

E-learning opportunities on numerous themes such as public transport, city logistics, transport infrastructure, integrated planning / sustainable urban mobility plans, network and mobility management and clean vehicles are now being offered under the European Union funded Sharing Opportunities for Low carbon TransporTatION (SOLUTIONS) project as part of the project initiatives. The SOLUTIONS courses are intended for professionals working in the field of urban mobility who wish to expand their knowledge and share their experiences with participants from around the world. No detailed pre-knowledge is required in order to participate. Each course is designed to include tailored tasks and interactions with experts and other participants.
What will you gain?
- Access to online courses with advice from global experts
- Connection to mobility practitioners from all over the world
- A certificate of participation when all the set tasks for a course have been completed
- A chance to win a free trip to the SOLUTIONS final conference. The cluster leaders will select the participant that has put the most effort into their forum contributions.
European Union with its project partner Wuppertal Institute and other technical partners is implementing the SOLUTIONS project which aims to support the exchange on innovative and green urban mobility solutions between cities from Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean region by facilitating dialogue and exchange, promoting successful policy, providing guidance and tailored advice to city officials, and fostering future cooperation on research, development and innovation. The project brings together a wealth of experience and technical knowledge from international organisations, consultants, cities, and experts involved in transport issues and solutions.
You can contact Mr. Ashish Rao Ghorpade at ashish.rao-ghorpade@ for any other further queries about the online courses. iclei.org
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