Introducing the Energy Conservation Building Code to Tamil Nadu local actors

ICLEI South Asia, along with the Anna University Centre for Human Settlements, organized an awareness workshop in Chennai on 22 August 2013 to introduce the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) 2007 to over 60 local actors, including 25 officials from municipal corporations, local planning authorities and departments of town and country planning, representing 13 different local governments.
The workshop, a first step towards comprehensive capacity building for local authorities on the ECBC, was inaugurated by the former member and chief planner of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority, Mr A R Doss, the Chairman of the Indian Green Building Council’s Chennai chapter, Ar C N Raghavendran and the Chief Electrical Inspector to Government, Tamil Nadu Electrical Inspectorate, Mr S Appavoo. The workshop saw national experts present about the ECBC, its adaptation for Tamil Nadu, sustainable building initiatives and green building rating systems. A site visit at the end of the day enabled participants to see firsthand how principles of green building could be implemented.
The ECBC, developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, aims to set minimum benchmarks for energy efficient construction in large commercial buildings and is to be implemented in different states, while ultimate enforcement would be undertaken by local authorities. The Tamil Nadu Electrical Inspectorate is developing a roadmap for its roll out in the state.