Jaisalmer and Kishangarh in Rajasthan to pioneer Indian approach to IUWM

Few months after the beginning of the European Union funded “Adopting Integrated Urban Water Management in Indian Cities” (AdoptIUWM) project, two of the four pilot cities have already been identified.
A meeting between ICLEI South Asia and the Principal Secretary of the Urban Development & Local Self Governance Department from the Government of Rajasthan led to the selection, in this state, of the cities of Jaisalmer and Kishangarh. ICLEI staff members visited Jaisalmer in April and presented the project to the city officials and to the local media, to raise awareness, amongst the general public, on the planned activities and on the crucial issue of Integrated Urban Water Management.
In some cities of Rajasthan, including Jaisalmer, the responsibility of the water supply is currently being transferred from the Public Health and Engineering Department to the Municipal Councils; the city is therefore particularly keen on the support from ICLEI through this transition phase. An IUWM perspective would also help address the issues of deterioration of ponds and their catchment areas and of service provision in slums that the city of Jaisalmer is currently facing.
Kishangarh, the second city selected in Rajasthan, is a hub for marble processing; the resultant impact on water resources, both in terms of water quantity and water quality, is a key concern for the city.
ICLEI South Asia met also the Principal Secretary from the Water Supply and Sanitation Department of the Government of Maharashtra, and explained to him the scope and goal of the project. The Maharashtra government has currently identified 6 cities: Jalna, Thane, Dhulia, Yavatmal, Aurangabad and Nanded.
The two Maharashtra cities that will ultimately be selected to be part of AdoptIUWM will be announced at the project launch, planned to take place in June in Delhi, India.