Kochi Meeting Lays Groundwork for Biodiversity Action Plan

A Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP) for Kochi will be one of the main outputs of the INTERACT-Bio project, supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
Representatives from all the wards of Kochi attended a meeting in the city recently, with the aim of laying the groundwork for the LBSAP. Ward-level issues connected to biodiversity conservation and drivers of degradation were identified at the meeting. The participants then engaged in group activity to identify possible mechanisms to address these problems.
The entire exercise, in which the attendees actively participated, was carried out through the development of a ‘problem tree’ and a ‘solution tree’. Similar exercises will now be conducted in each ward. The information thus generated will be collated and presented at a workshop for experts.
The LBSAP will thus be developed in a very participatory manner.