Revising India's manual on solid waste management

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, under their Indo-German Environment Partnership (IGEP) Program, is supporting the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India to revise the existing Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO) manual on municipal SWM in order to better support political decision-makers, administrative staff, supervisors and service providers in implementing an integrated municipal solid waste management system throughout the country.
GIZ- IGEP has selected a team of an international consultant jointly with a national team of experts for better grounding of the work in the local system. ICLEI South Asia has been identified for supporting this process in the role of a national expert.
The CPHEEO manual of 2000 will be updated to also include aspects of financial sustainability, public private partnerships, institutional strengthening and requisite policy interventions to appropriately address recent developments.
Through an iterative process of working with an expert committee chaired by the Director, MoUD and appropriately identified working groups, the team will develop a revised manual addressing all aspects of solid waste management including policy & planning, management and technology.