Urban95: Capacity Building Workshop Puts Focus on Scalability, Sustainability of Projects

The fifth and final capacity-building workshop under the second phase of the Urban95 programme, supported by the Bernard van Leer Foundation, was held on August 17, 2023 in Udaipur, focusing on the issues of scalability and sustainability in projects. Ninety representatives and officials from the government, the private sector, NGOs and academia, among others, participated in the workshop.
The Urban95 project team made presentations on the significance of community engagement in various stages of the project and the benefits of setting up neighbourhood-level committees, and the participants were engaged in a group exercise on these themes to further enhance their understanding.
The five capacity-building workshops had been planned to help integrate Urban95 principles in all urban built environment projects/ activities in Udaipur, keeping in mind the needs and aspirations of children and their caregivers and to help improve the technical know-how of all stakeholders, such as development agencies and other service providers, architects, urban planners, NGOs and the private sector, among others, about the various stages and issues in project implementation.