Waste Management and Waste Segregation Activities Organised in Udaipur

As part of the CapaCITIES project, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), ICLEI South Asia organised a Jan Choupal (public meeting) in ward 1 of Udaipur city on the 2nd and 3rd of September. The initiative was part of the Information Education Communication (IEC) activities that have been done in both ward 1 and 41 to make people aware of waste management and waste segregation.
As of now, at least 60% of the waste is collected in a segregated manner (dry and wet waste). From ward 1 and ward 41 alone the segregated waste is around 80%.
In terms of people’s participation, ward 41 fares better than ward 1 because of its geographic location and literacy rate. Ward 1 lags behind as more than 40% of the area is on hilly contours. Therefore, the garbage collection van is unable to reach certain points.
Some of the key issues discussed during the meeting include improving public participation in the on-source waste segregation process; construction of a bio-methanation plant to scientifically dispose the waste; importance of source segregation and how it helps to improve the entire chain of waste management thereby also improving general public health and environment; impact of open dumping on environment, health and hygiene; and the importance of waste segregation as it reduces the demand for land.
Overall, it was an interactive session. The Ward Councilor Mr. Atul Chandaliya and some social workers also joined the meeting and spoke about the utility of this plant. They also encouraged people to make this project successful.