Workshop Reviews Bangladesh Freight Sector, Good Practices in Clean Logistics

The Asia LEDS Partnership (ALP) organised a workshop on Clean Logistics for Cities on the 23rd of February 2022 in hybrid mode, with the in-person session being held in Dhaka. The event was organised as a platform for sharing successful global experiences in implementing clean logistics, considering the vital role they play in the economy.
The presentations made by speakers from Latin America, Europe and India focused on the challenges and lessons learnt while implementing logistics projects. They presented examples of good practices from the cities of Bogota in Colombia, Rosario in Argentina, Barcelona in Spain, and Portland in the United States, besides Kochi in India. “Ecologists should set the policy agenda, as that helps to assess freight transport performance, and identify priorities and the future direction in this sector,” Mr Camilo Urbano, Leader in Urban Development, Despacio, Bogota, said.
Experts and senior officials from Bangladesh, including Joint Secretary, Ministry of Roads, Transport and Bridges and Additional Chief Engineer, Local Government Engineering Department, as well as professors from Jahangirnagar University in Dhaka, and officials from the Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project also discussed their concerns regarding the transport and logistics sectors and the plans to streamline them in the country. They appreciated the workshop organised by ALP and the discussions that were held.
To learn more about the session, click here