Our Activities
Cities are complex systems. The components of urban systems, from food distribution networks and energy grids to transport and greenways, are interconnected and dynamic. Intervening to create change in any one of these components may impact others, creating systemic change. Designing solutions that take these interconnections into account is critical to sustainable development.
The five ICLEI pathways towards low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development are designed to create systemic change. When these pathways guide local and regional development, urban systems becomes more sustainable. The pathways provide provide a framework for designing integrated solutions that balance the patterns of human life and the built and natural environments. They encourage holistic thinking. For instance, working together, the local and regional governments and global experts of ICLEI consider how nature-based development contributes to resilience, or how to bring equity into low emission development.
We design our work to integrate as many pathways as possible. Each individual pathway is multidimensional, incorporating numerous strategies for sustainable development. When more pathways are integrated into any given activity, such as a project, partnership or initiative, a greater degree of change can occur. Often, our activities are guided by a predominant pathway or set of pathways. In any given city or region, multiple activities may be implemented along each pathway.
This searchable digital collection of our activities worldwide includes technical resources, including digital platforms, methodologies and tools, as well as networks, projects, programs, partnerships, events and initiatives that guide action along the pathways, spark new partnerships and create city-to-city and city-to-region connections.
Each entry in this digital collection is marked with predominant pathways, keywords and related Sustainable Development Goals.
ACCELERATE aims to strengthen sustainable consumption and production of energy-use patterns in Pasig and Parañaque by enhancing the implementation of the PGBC and improving Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EE&C) across the board by inspiring action from the private sector and local communities. The project will address the gaps in knowledge, capacity, and awareness of the […]
ICLEI is conducting research to help identify drivers and challenges for cities to participate at market mechanisms in the international realm, and more specifically with the cooperative approaches being negotiated at COP 24 & 25. ICLEI together with Perspectives, a German consultancy, is therefore analyzing different CDM, TAP and NAMA projects as well as proposing […]
In 2011 ICLEI Africa launched the inaugral Local Climate Solutions for Africa. It brings together key national, subnational, local government and private sector leaders from across Africa to discuss and explore collective solutions for addressing climate related challenges that threaten to derail sustainable development in Africa. The 2020 theme “Financing for Change” will respond to […]
LoCS4Africa (Local Climate Solutions for Africa Congress)
The objective of the IUC programme is to contribute to improve international urban policy diplomacy and increase decentralized cooperation on sustainable urban development and climate change through a focus on sustainable energy. In North America the focus of the project is 1) on peering North American cities with European one so that they can learn […]
ICLEI's first role is in the innovation management task to ensure that the project is aligned with the development of the state of the art technologies and the market possibilities. In this task, alongside with the Innovation Manager, we monitor internal and external activities, market developments and European policy with respect to t e-mobility, that […]
ICLEI provides the capacity of the second key expert and two non-key experts who conduct the following activities: 1) Provide latest information, methodologies, tools, knowledge and skills that support local governments’ projects and policies at all stages of planning and implementation. 2) Support knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices between the Korean and EU […]
The main role for ICLEI in this project is leading the communication and dissemination tasks. ICLEI has developed and is implementing and monitoring a detailed strategy form communication, dissemination and exploitation in order to support ongoing and extensive knowledge transfer aimed at increasing cycling solutions. That includes the development of the communication basis (communication strategy, […]
Through the project, ICLEI will support in the preparation of the Vulnerability Index and Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the city of Recife, which aims to identify and prioritize concrete measures to adapt to climate change in the city, based on the analysis vulnerability and climate risk, addressing the environmental, economic and social dimensions in […]
CAF Project – Vulnerability Index and Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the city of Recife
Through the project, ICLEI will support in the development of a technical training for Baixada Santista Municipalities for identifying vulnerabilities and developing adaptation measures to prevent the impacts of climate change on water resources. The overall objective of this project is to ensure that the target audience is trained on the issue with a focus […]
Technical training of the municipalities of Baixada Santista in adapting to climate change in water resources
This research will take place over five semi-concurrent phases: 1. Literature analysis undertaken by researchers to understand existing and previous research topics and approaches. 2. Initial engagement & interviews in each city using narrative collection and documentation, and photographic expression to explore food production, processing, and distribution systems. 3. Co-production around food and social infrastructures […]