ICLEI USA partnered with Azavea, a beneficial corporation and software developer in Philadelphia and Dr. Missy Stultz, a former ICLEI USA staff member to create TEMPERATE to help local governments with limited resources to develop climate change adaptation plans and align those plans with the reporting requirements of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate […]
Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Within the project, ICLEI Europe was rersponsible for: – a preliminary meta study on the multitude of campaigns and networks of the urban, peri-urban and rural endeavours for sustainability and climate change on the European level; – managing and co-ordinating large cross-case studies in the European regions – analysing the field research data and merging […]
ICLEI is compiling a guidance document for "Buying Social". It provides guidance for procurers on how to include socially responsible considerations in their tenders. The European Commission will publish the final guidance document. To develop the guidance ICLEI is also compiling a range of good practice examples to illustrate the guidance provided.
In order for national and local governments to better appreciate the need for safe walking and cycling facilities, Africa’s urban citizens need to challenge the widely held assumption that they all wish to drive cars by showing their support for walking and cycling. Various local initiatives around the continent (such as car-free days, place making, […]
ICLEI is supporting the city of Turku in designing the Circular Turku roadmap with relevant stakeholders. ICLEI is advising on participation mechanisms and providing expert inputs across the priority sectors in the region. Learnings from local circular economy action in Turku are shared on the global stage for replication and knowledge sharing with other local […]
ICLEI is working with local actors in Bogor city to identify key circular economy challenges that the Circular Jobs methodology can help address, to ensure the project yield tangible benefits at the local level. In addtion to supervising the local data gathering process and supporting the baseline analysis, ICLEI is formulating recommendations based on the […]
Circular Jobs in Indonesia
ICLEI will work on the Communication, outreach and inter-project collaboration and engagement area, which includes: Support to project communication (incl. communication strategy, 4 fact sheets, 4 policy briefs, 4 webinars, other specific events and presentations); Organisation and moderation of 4 city workshops and Organisation and moderation of 2 stakeholder workshops and one conference (incl. development […]
ICLEI is providing a platform for inspiration, action and the commitment to take sustainability to the next level.
The objective of the Forum is to create a regional platform of municipal governments, specifically through its Planning or Development Secretaries, to promote the exchange of knowledge, practices and models of sustainable development between Amazonian subnational governments and the subsequent dissemination of experiences at regional level. The network acts as a cooperation mechanism to position […]
ICLEI coordinates the work on a comprehensive Outreach, Communication and Training Strategy for the ROBUST project. The strategy comprises training material for decision-makers in policy and the public sector. The specific objectives are: To facilitate an effective communication and exchange with ROBUST’s principle target groups: 1) regional rural and urban policymakers, interest groups, and practitioners; […]
ROBUST (Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies)