In order to improve visibility and enhance recognition of, and mobilize support for its action and network, ICLEI enhances dialogue, collaboration and engagement in the UN system, with a specific focus on those related to its fields of its expertise such as the secretariat of the other multilateral environmental agreements, the UN Environment Management Group, […]
In order to ensure that the work of the UN fits the mission of the new sustainable development agenda and align with the spirit of enhanced collaboration with all levels of governments, ICLEI provides active contributions to the work of the UN Secretary General in the UN development system reform and 2019 UN Climate Summit, […]
The City Climate Planner program ensures urban professionals are equipped to support local climate action planning, including developing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventories; climate action planning (low emission development planning); and climate adaptation planning. These efforts are essential building blocks of local planning and policy development efforts of local governments in addressing climate change. The […]
City Climate Planner Program
ICLEI enables cities to advance on the Kaohsiung Strategies for the Future of Urban Mobility, an implementation framework for the Shared Mobility Principles, a cooperation platform aiming to advance a new urban mobility paradigm, advising and motivating our Members along these strategies, and have endorsed the Shared Mobility Principles
Kaohsiung Strategies for the Future of Urban Mobility
Recognizing that cities play an important role in leading the way to achieve carbon neutrality in the second half of this century, namely the goals of the Paris Agreement, ICLEI supports cities and regions laying out their vision on a sustainable society in 2050. The declaration lays out a vision for cities leading up to […]
Cultivating Culture of Sustainable Cities (KYOTO+20)
The Global Climate City Challenge is part of a new partnership under the umbrella of Global Urbis, an ambitious global initiative announced during the One Planet Summit in Paris in December 2017, that provides cities and local governments around the world with technical assistance and financing for climate action. The Challenge is a collaboration between […]
Global Climate City Challenge
Starting in 2019, local and regional governments are – for the first time – reporting climate action data through one unified reporting system. They give their permission to both CDP and ICLEI to use their publicly reported data and receive in return the support of both organizations. ICLEI uses this data to inform research and […]
carbonn Climate Registry / CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System
Rising global energy use remains a major challenge, with cities and regions being central players in making energy more secure, clean and sustainable. To transform from a linear to a circular economy there is a growing need to take advantage of renewable resources, including energy. ICLEI supports the cities and regions initiatives aiming at 100% […]
Local Renewable Conference Series
ICLEI can help raise ambition and connect cities, towns, and regions who are seeking to solve the problems of climate change. The GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program offers cities a proven process methodology for walking step-by-step toward climate neutrality.The GCC program supports local communities on the front lines addressing the challenges and opportunities of urban growth, exploring […]
GreenClimateCities Program
Building upon ICLEI´s commitment to engage in the NDC Partnership and as the first associate member, ICLEI created a modular approach to addresses the vertical integration of NDC implementation and investment plans, outlining the contribution of local and regional governments in the NDCs. ICLEI’s participation is structured in four parts: coordinating a multilevel action working […]