As the frequency and intensity of climate change related disasters increase, local communities are severely impacted. In response to recent climate related disasters on the continent, ICLEI Africa is stepping up to support cities in reducing their disaster risk. We draw on two decades of on-the-ground work in Africa, building and strengthening resilience through proactive […]
The module focused on practices, policies and innovations on sustainable water management at municipal level, particularly on city solutions to address rainfall extremes and water stress. ICLEI KCC delivered modules planning, coordinated with city speakers and promoted ICLEI Resilient Cities agenda.
2019 ICDF x ICLEI KCC Workshop on Water Management (International Class)
The objective of the project is to analyze the development of urban biodiversity and ecosystem services concepts and practices in urban areas and better integrate them into the science and policy discussions that are taking place in the context of the preparation of CoP15. ICLEI´s focus on key Chinese actors since China is the host […]
Urban biodiversity and Ecosystem Services towards CBD CoP 15 in China
ICLEI's first role is in the innovation management task to ensure that the project is aligned with the development of the state of the art technologies and the market possibilities. In this task, alongside with the Innovation Manager, we monitor internal and external activities, market developments and European policy with respect to t e-mobility, that […]
ICLEI provides the capacity of the second key expert and two non-key experts who conduct the following activities: 1) Provide latest information, methodologies, tools, knowledge and skills that support local governments’ projects and policies at all stages of planning and implementation. 2) Support knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices between the Korean and EU […]
The main role for ICLEI in this project is leading the communication and dissemination tasks. ICLEI has developed and is implementing and monitoring a detailed strategy form communication, dissemination and exploitation in order to support ongoing and extensive knowledge transfer aimed at increasing cycling solutions. That includes the development of the communication basis (communication strategy, […]
Through the project, ICLEI will support in the preparation of the Vulnerability Index and Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the city of Recife, which aims to identify and prioritize concrete measures to adapt to climate change in the city, based on the analysis vulnerability and climate risk, addressing the environmental, economic and social dimensions in […]
CAF Project – Vulnerability Index and Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the city of Recife
Through the project, ICLEI will support in the development of a technical training for Baixada Santista Municipalities for identifying vulnerabilities and developing adaptation measures to prevent the impacts of climate change on water resources. The overall objective of this project is to ensure that the target audience is trained on the issue with a focus […]
Technical training of the municipalities of Baixada Santista in adapting to climate change in water resources
This research will take place over five semi-concurrent phases: 1. Literature analysis undertaken by researchers to understand existing and previous research topics and approaches. 2. Initial engagement & interviews in each city using narrative collection and documentation, and photographic expression to explore food production, processing, and distribution systems. 3. Co-production around food and social infrastructures […]
The Big Buyers Initiative presents an opportunity for public authorities to engage with other authorities across Europe and to shape new innovative solutions to their procurement needs. ICLEI and EUROCITIES are currently running the initiative on behalf of the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW). The initiative works together with […]