ICLEI builds four Heritage Innovation Partnerships (HIPs). Each convened by a local partner and involving stakeholders from a range of organisations, including conservation organisations, community groups, local businesses engaged working alongside the research teams. The HIPs provide input into the development, analysis and outputs of the project. ICLEI further produces a final report on the […]
ICLEI leads the dissemination and communication. In this context a plan is delivered responding to the particularities of the rural areas, that are often “hard to reach” and both physically and technologically remote. The team engages with national and local independent production companies for television and radio broadcasts as internet use may not be available […]
ICLEI leads the general dissemination effort of OpenHeritage, with a particular focus on reaching out to local authorities all over Europe, leveraging its vast municipality network with the policy and academia connections of the consortium as a whole. ICLEI also contributes to the Observatory Cases, and to the Cooperative Heritage Labs, collecting and synthesizing information.
The Connecting Nature front-runner cities will draw on their experiences and work with fast-follower cities in a capacity-building role. The project will expand upon existing urban sustainability and innovation initiatives, create a reference framework of clear and useful indicators for the implementation and evaluation of nature-based solutions, build expertise and competency in all cities for […]
Establishing transdisciplinary foundations – Facilitate, organize and conduct Urban-Regional Innovation Partnerships (URIPs) dialogues Developing a novel nature based solutions assessment framework – Engage stakeholders in Utrecht and Malmö in a multi-criteria method to determine stakeholder values. – Extend the learning process to the other URIPs in a two-day workshop. – Identify how current insights and […]
NATURVATION (Nature Based Urban Innovation)
New guidance enables U.S. cities and counties to include forests and trees within their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting, a key activity to ensure representation of local forestry and land use consideration in climate action planning. Developed in partnership with the Woods Hole Research Center and World Resources Institute (WRI), and funded by Climate and […]
ICLEI is an implementing partner in the LGCCSP4 through the development of training material and provision of capacity building. The methodology used in the implementation of the activity is three fold as follows: -To inform the development of the capacity building workshops, training materials and in-depth technical assistance, ICLEI undertook a desktop research and reviewed […]
LGCCSP4 (Local Government Climate Change Support Programme)
The objective of the project is to analyze the development of urban biodiversity and ecosystem services concepts and practices in urban areas and better integrate them into the science and policy discussions that are taking place in the context of the preparation of CoP15. ICLEI´s focus on key Chinese actors since China is the host […]
Urban biodiversity and Ecosystem Services towards CBD CoP 15 in China
ICLEI connects like-minded cities to exchange experiences and lessons learned on the way towards the circular economy, advocates the necessity of closing-the-loop thinking, identifies cities’ circular good practices, shares the latest knowledge and provides suggestions on mainstreaming the circular development in urban strategic planning and policies. ICLEI raises the attention on the circular development in […]
GCCC (Green Circular Cities Coalition)
ICLEI and the SCBD collaborated in preliminary consultations with Parties and selected subnational and local authorities on the need for implementation of NBSAPs by subnational governments. ICLEIwas tasked with guidelines for an integrated approach in the development and implementation of national, subnational and local biodiversity strategies and action plan and undertake capacity development. The Guidelines […]
Building Capacity for Subnational Biodiversity Planning