ICLEI Europes task within this activity is to validate, enrich and share SONNET results, maximising their exploitation and impact, drawing upon a well-designed knowledge brokerage and co-creation process within and beyond the project. It implements cutting edge dissemination processes to maximize SONNET’s impact by engaging a variety of key stakeholders at local, regional, national and […]
SONNET (Social Innovation in Energy Transitions)
-To enhance new DGs in cities to be more aware of ICLEI and ICLEI KCC -To promote the KCC work Plans and ICLEI international events during 2019-2020 -To understand the latest sustainable developments in Cities in Taiwan -To enhance knowledge exchanges between Taiwan ICLEI members and to reach a consensus among ICLEI Members in Taiwan
2019 Annual Assembly for ICLEI Taiwan Members
ICLEI Europe is lead of the project and thus coordinates it. ICLEI Europe is also responsible for the distilling solutions. This includes following aspects: To distill a final palette of innovative specific recommendations for sustainable and inclusive urban areas from the outputs of WPs 3-5, including policy decisions, urban planning tools, financing mechanisms, and procedural […]
URBANA (Urban Arena for sustainable and equitable solutions)
In 2010, ICLEI USA created the protocols by which U.S. local governments account for emissions at both the community and municipal scale and in 2013, developed ClearPath, an emissions inventory and management software application, which is the manifestation of these protocols. In combination, these activities have reduced the financial and administrative burden to measure and […]
ICLEI's roll is to review the 25 city GHG inventories for completeness and to provide support, in some cases actually completing the inventory as needed.
American Cities Climate Challenge
Over a period of nine months, ICLEI led a cohort of communities through modules and one on one technical support to improve local government operations. Modules included an introduction to GHG inventory protocols for local government operations, sustainable public procurement, fleet management, building energy retrofits, and employee engagement. As with all ICLEI USA cohort learn […]
Local Government Operations Tune Up
The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa supports Sub-Saharan African cities to tackle the interconnected challenges of climate change and access to sustainable energy. Started in 2015, CoM SSA is the African regional chapter of the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM), the largest network of cities driving urban climate action. CoM SSA provides broad-scale technical […]
CoM SSA (Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa) – Phase III
Establishing transdisciplinary foundations – Facilitate, organize and conduct Urban-Regional Innovation Partnerships (URIPs) dialogues Developing a novel nature based solutions assessment framework – Engage stakeholders in Utrecht and Malmö in a multi-criteria method to determine stakeholder values. – Extend the learning process to the other URIPs in a two-day workshop. – Identify how current insights and […]
NATURVATION (Nature Based Urban Innovation)
Within this project ICLEI Europe is responsible for the exploitation & dissemination. This includes: to develop and curate the SMARTEES multimedia presence throughout the project and after the project, to develop a dissemination and exploitation strategy for the SMARTEES results to all relevant stakeholder groups, to monitor the implementation of the dissemination and exploitation activities […]
SMARTEES (Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability)
The project includes intertwined technical analysis components. The specific tasks were: (1) develop an updated King County community-wide geographic-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, including a “Contribution Analysis” quantifying key causes/drivers to recent historical trends in countywide GHGs, and (2) an analysis that builds on the inventory to quantify pathways to achieve County adopted GHG […]
King County wedge analysis