ICLEI created a facilitated multi-month training and capacity building program; the “Cohort” to build local government capacity in climate, resilience, forestry, and equity. Each cohort is theme-based and includes up to 20 participant local governments, some of whom are supported by university student externs. Cohort participants are supported by ICLEI USA technical advisors, the ICLEI […]
Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Training: ICLEI provided in-person training for Los Angeles City staff on Climate Action Planning. The training focused on the following topics: •Climate equity and community driven processes; •5 Milestone Process: Data Driven Planning; •Inventory: what sectors are usually measured, what it can tell you, determining trends; emissions forecasting and emissions […]
ICLEI was chosen as a Technical Advisor in 2019 to support the communities’ efforts to achieve SolSmart designation with the aims of improving the business climate for solar energy and providing official recognition that a municipality is “open for solar business.” The process began in January 2019 with training on SolSmart requirements through a series […]
In 2011 ICLEI Africa launched the inaugral Local Climate Solutions for Africa. It brings together key national, subnational, local government and private sector leaders from across Africa to discuss and explore collective solutions for addressing climate related challenges that threaten to derail sustainable development in Africa. The 2020 theme “Financing for Change” will respond to […]
LoCS4Africa (Local Climate Solutions for Africa Congress)
ICLEI is an implementing partner in the LGCCSP4 through the development of training material and provision of capacity building. The methodology used in the implementation of the activity is three fold as follows: -To inform the development of the capacity building workshops, training materials and in-depth technical assistance, ICLEI undertook a desktop research and reviewed […]
LGCCSP4 (Local Government Climate Change Support Programme)
•Conduct Sustainability Assessment of Existing Programs •Develop Sustainability Baseline Assessment and Gaps •Set Sustainability Goals •Develop the Sustainability Plan •Implement the Plan and Monitor Program •Develop Sustainability Work Program Document •Engage the Public, City Council, and Other Stakeholders
Sustainability Plan Development
ICLEI participated in the development of the current version of the GPC as part of a multi-institutional cooperation along with The World Bank; UN Habitat; WRI and C40 and promoted the use and application of this protocol through its programs and related projects. Currently ICLEI participates in the further iteration of the GPC along with […]
ICLEI‘s is leading this network under its thematic community on renewables. This network serves as the entry point for local & regional governments to participate in the Global 100% RE Platform. Cities, towns and regions, who have a 100% RE target in at least one sector or committed to explore a 100% RE pathway or […]
100% Renewables Cities and Regions Network
Through this project, ICLEI as a leading member of the implementing consortium leads the work package set up to help enhance institutional frameworks through political advocacy and networking. ICLEI leads the project’s support to address legal and institutional frameworks and promote multilevel governance in pilot countries to provide an enabling environment for local and national […]
CoM SSA (Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa) – Phase II
The Urban Transition Alliance connects industrial legacy cities from Europe, USA and China committed to accelerate ambitious and inclusive transitions, as well as showcasing their sustainability leadership. Alliance cities share their own transition experiences, knowledge and good practices based on social, economic and environmental challenges within their unique industrial legacy context. Through a tailored exchange […]
Urban Transitions Alliance