Our Activities
Cities are complex systems. The components of urban systems, from food distribution networks and energy grids to transport and greenways, are interconnected and dynamic. Intervening to create change in any one of these components may impact others, creating systemic change. Designing solutions that take these interconnections into account is critical to sustainable development.
The five ICLEI pathways towards low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development are designed to create systemic change. When these pathways guide local and regional development, urban systems becomes more sustainable. The pathways provide provide a framework for designing integrated solutions that balance the patterns of human life and the built and natural environments. They encourage holistic thinking. For instance, working together, the local and regional governments and global experts of ICLEI consider how nature-based development contributes to resilience, or how to bring equity into low emission development.
We design our work to integrate as many pathways as possible. Each individual pathway is multidimensional, incorporating numerous strategies for sustainable development. When more pathways are integrated into any given activity, such as a project, partnership or initiative, a greater degree of change can occur. Often, our activities are guided by a predominant pathway or set of pathways. In any given city or region, multiple activities may be implemented along each pathway.
This searchable digital collection of our activities worldwide includes technical resources, including digital platforms, methodologies and tools, as well as networks, projects, programs, partnerships, events and initiatives that guide action along the pathways, spark new partnerships and create city-to-city and city-to-region connections.
Each entry in this digital collection is marked with predominant pathways, keywords and related Sustainable Development Goals.
In order for national and local governments to better appreciate the need for safe walking and cycling facilities, Africa’s urban citizens need to challenge the widely held assumption that they all wish to drive cars by showing their support for walking and cycling. Various local initiatives around the continent (such as car-free days, place making, […]
SOLUTIONSplus is coordinated by the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) and joined by 45 worldwide partners. The project aims to enable transformational change towards sustainable urban mobility through innovative and integrated electric mobility solutions. Project cities will be able to demonstrate different types of innovative and integrated e-mobility solutions, complemented by a comprehensive toolbox, capacity […]
The ICLEI EcoLogistics Community is the first city network globally committed to a sustainable urban freight future. The Community leads sustainable urban freight development in participating cities and drive global actions in the international stage through collaborative exchange and action plans and stakeholder engagements. Cities benefit from being part of the Community through the shared […]
The event was organized by ICLEI SAMS in partnership with Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment of , Regions4, Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support initiative, the support of CETESB, Fundação Florestal, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (RBMA), the envolvement of ICLEI Africa and Cities Biodiversity […]
ICLEI is working with local actors in Bogor city to identify key circular economy challenges that the Circular Jobs methodology can help address, to ensure the project yield tangible benefits at the local level. In addtion to supervising the local data gathering process and supporting the baseline analysis, ICLEI is formulating recommendations based on the […]
Circular Jobs in Indonesia
The project aims to support the integration of climate change and air pollution at the city level through capacity building. It contains four consequential activities: 1) Convene focus group discussions with city policymakers and experts (health, transport, infrastructure) for needs assessment regarding the knowledge and tools cities should obtain in integrating SLCP reductions into policies […]
Integrating SLCP Reductions into Policies and Practices in Cities in Asia
ICLEI analyzes participating cities’ policies and existing initiatives, maps and engages with stakeholders in the food system, and identifies opportunities and barriers. As the project outcome, ICLEI will publish a report to demonstrate the initiatives taken by cities in East Asia, to develop narratives of the circular food system, as well as providing policy guidance […]
This “Leading City Network on Green Public Procurement” project aims to build a leading city network on Green Public Procurement(GPP) among participant’ cities—including Gyeonggi-do province, Goyang City, Bucheon City, Daejeon Metropolitan City and Busan Metropolitan City. Under this project, ICLEI Korea Office has provided several consultations to enhance the execution of GPP, offered expert lectures […]
Leading City Network on Green Public Procurement
In nearly three decades of work, ICLEI has developed, tested and scaled up methodologies to guide the way towards sustainable urban development at the local level. This rich experience accumulated allows us to apply a common framework for our global projects and initiatives, which currently follows the stages: analysis, action and acceleration, and in each […]
Cities + Sustainable – ICLEI South America Solutions Portfolio 2020
The objective of the Forum is to create a regional platform of municipal governments, specifically through its Planning or Development Secretaries, to promote the exchange of knowledge, practices and models of sustainable development between Amazonian subnational governments and the subsequent dissemination of experiences at regional level. The network acts as a cooperation mechanism to position […]
ICLEI KO is working as the secretariat of the alliance coordinating the overall plan of the activities of the alliance and the implementation on the ground. Aside from administrative role, KO provides professional consultation and guidance on how local leaders show their wills on sustainable development and how the local government officials can apply the […]
Korean Local Governments Alliance for Sustainable Development
-To enhance new DGs in cities to be more aware of ICLEI and ICLEI KCC -To promote the KCC work Plans and ICLEI international events during 2019-2020 -To understand the latest sustainable developments in Cities in Taiwan -To enhance knowledge exchanges between Taiwan ICLEI members and to reach a consensus among ICLEI Members in Taiwan
2019 Annual Assembly for ICLEI Taiwan Members
Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Training: ICLEI provided in-person training for Los Angeles City staff on Climate Action Planning. The training focused on the following topics: •Climate equity and community driven processes; •5 Milestone Process: Data Driven Planning; •Inventory: what sectors are usually measured, what it can tell you, determining trends; emissions forecasting and emissions […]
ICLEI was chosen as a Technical Advisor in 2019 to support the communities’ efforts to achieve SolSmart designation with the aims of improving the business climate for solar energy and providing official recognition that a municipality is “open for solar business.” The process began in January 2019 with training on SolSmart requirements through a series […]
ICLEI is conducting research to help identify drivers and challenges for cities to participate at market mechanisms in the international realm, and more specifically with the cooperative approaches being negotiated at COP 24 & 25. ICLEI together with Perspectives, a German consultancy, is therefore analyzing different CDM, TAP and NAMA projects as well as proposing […]