Our Activities
Cities are complex systems. The components of urban systems, from food distribution networks and energy grids to transport and greenways, are interconnected and dynamic. Intervening to create change in any one of these components may impact others, creating systemic change. Designing solutions that take these interconnections into account is critical to sustainable development.
The five ICLEI pathways towards low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development are designed to create systemic change. When these pathways guide local and regional development, urban systems becomes more sustainable. The pathways provide provide a framework for designing integrated solutions that balance the patterns of human life and the built and natural environments. They encourage holistic thinking. For instance, working together, the local and regional governments and global experts of ICLEI consider how nature-based development contributes to resilience, or how to bring equity into low emission development.
We design our work to integrate as many pathways as possible. Each individual pathway is multidimensional, incorporating numerous strategies for sustainable development. When more pathways are integrated into any given activity, such as a project, partnership or initiative, a greater degree of change can occur. Often, our activities are guided by a predominant pathway or set of pathways. In any given city or region, multiple activities may be implemented along each pathway.
This searchable digital collection of our activities worldwide includes technical resources, including digital platforms, methodologies and tools, as well as networks, projects, programs, partnerships, events and initiatives that guide action along the pathways, spark new partnerships and create city-to-city and city-to-region connections.
Each entry in this digital collection is marked with predominant pathways, keywords and related Sustainable Development Goals.
•Conduct Sustainability Assessment of Existing Programs •Develop Sustainability Baseline Assessment and Gaps •Set Sustainability Goals •Develop the Sustainability Plan •Implement the Plan and Monitor Program •Develop Sustainability Work Program Document •Engage the Public, City Council, and Other Stakeholders
Sustainability Plan Development
In this H2020 project, ICLEI is involved in the following tasks: 1. Desktop research in order to understand mobility cultures and mobility styles. This has been done by doing qualitative desktop research, examining empirical evidence focusing on Eastern European countries to understand the car sharing diffusion in these countries. ICLEI focused on understanding how new […]
ICLEI and the SCBD collaborated in preliminary consultations with Parties and selected subnational and local authorities on the need for implementation of NBSAPs by subnational governments. ICLEIwas tasked with guidelines for an integrated approach in the development and implementation of national, subnational and local biodiversity strategies and action plan and undertake capacity development. The Guidelines […]
Building Capacity for Subnational Biodiversity Planning
Building Resilience and Adaptation Capacity (BRACE) bridges the gap between tools and information and their successful application in meaningful and influential decision making processes. ICLEI held a series of workshops throughout Manitoba on barriers and opportunities to advance climate adaptation action throughout the Province. These high impact consultation and engagement workshops targeted decision makers and […]
Capacity Building for Climate Resilience in Manitoba
Established in 2010, CDKN is a demand-led network that helps developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean to achieve climate compatible development goals. Through this project, CDKN is shifting from knowledge generating and technical assistance to knowledge brokering. It endeavours to get the right information to the right people and create […]
ICLEI’s ‘Holistic strategy and action plan for plastic waste management in GHMC’ will act as a guideline for various stakeholders for reducing the use of plastic waste in the city with the focus of making the city single-use plastic free by 2022. The project also includes design and implementation of a pilot project and dissemination […]
Development of Holistic Strategy and Action Plan for Plastic Waste Management in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
With support from the Korea Environmental Corporation and the World Bank, ICLEI is supporting the cities of Dharamshala and Kullu-Manali in Himachal Pradesh in the preparation of solid waste management strategies and action plans, as a pilot to improve integrated solid waste management for the mountainous regions of Pakistan, India, and Nepal. The project supports […]
Supporting the Development of Sustainable Solid Waste Management Strategies for the Mountainous Regions of Pakistan, India and Nepal
Rapid IUWM aims to build the capacity of urban local bodies to understand interlinkages between water, wastewater and storm water; and adopt an integrated urban water management planning and implementation approach through multi stakeholder involvement. Two local urban bodies in Rajasthan (Kishangargh and Ajmer) developed an IUWM based vision for their cities and developed an […]
ICLEI is carrying out a baseline assessment of the ecosystems and the services they provide to the city of Gangtok. ICLEI will complete a review of the policy environment with regard to biodiversity conservation is and a natural asset map for the city, which will all help to set the baseline for the Local Biodiversity […]
Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Gangtok
The project promotes sustainable management of high range Himalayan ecosystems to secure conservation of globally significant wildlife, including endangered snow leopard and their habitats and ensures sustainable livelihoods for local community in the four high altitude landscapes in the Trans- and Greater Himalayan region. These actions are aimed at maintaining ecosystem values and ameliorating climate […]
Secure Himalaya_Himachal Pradesh
ICLEI is developing a Green City Action Plan for the city of Kota Kinabalu following a multi-stakeholder consultative process, as a part of the Asian Development Bank’s (ABD) development of Green City Action Plans in the BIMP-EAGA region (comprised of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and East Timor). The City of Kota Kinabalu is committing […]
KK GCAP (Kota Kinabalu Green City Action Plan)
Since 2008, ICLEI’s Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC) has convened successive summits as official parallel events to the Conference on Biological Diversity COP, to enable local and subnational governments engagement. These Summits have resulted in strong political outcomes, including the Quintana Roo (2016) and Sharm El-Sheikh (2018) Communiques, Nagoya Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities […]
ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center (ICLEI CBC)
ICLEI supports the Clean Energy Living Laboratories (CELLs) and the Project Management Office, especially on local government engagement. ICLEI works with demonstration cities to mainstream a local energy plan and assists the CELLs in developing a curriculum for an executive education program targeting policymakers and stakeholders and support advocacy activities. ICLEI facilitates City-to-City Exchange activities, […]
By participating in GCoM, Korean local governments can make their climate actions more ambitious and consistent through reporting and learn from their peers about ambitious climate actions.In order to support Korean local government participation in GCoM, ICLEI organizes GCoM sessions at international climate events such as Seoul Mayors Forum, supports local governments’ reporting to ICLEI-CDP […]
ICLEI has supported Fórum CB27 since its creation in 2012, and, in 2017, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation invited ICLEI to contribute to the institutional strengthening of the group through a strategic planning process and regular facilitation of CB27 meetings. ICLEI’s mission is directly connected to the Forum’s activities, in that it seeks to connect cities […]