Andhra Pradesh: Project to Improve Mainstreaming of Climate Action Plans in 3 Cities

ICLEI South Asia, with support from the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, headquartered in London, has launched the ‘Mainstreaming Climate Action in Indian Cities’ (Andhra Pradesh) project. The initiative aims to mainstream climate considerations into the planning, financing, and delivery of urban services, and to support municipal authorities in three cities of Andhra Pradesh- Vijayawada, Kakinada, and Tirupati–to help them improve their Climate-Smart Cities Assessment Framework rankings/ performance over the next two reporting cycles.
Initiated in December 2021, the project will run until November 2023, and will focus on the development of a greenhouse gas emissions inventory, vulnerability assessment, and preparation of climate action plans, including mitigation and adaptation strategies. The cities will receive technical assistance to develop bankable projects on low-carbon and climate-resilient development in priority sectors. They will also be supported in enhancing their capacity to put relevant plans and mechanisms in place and to enhance the technical expertise of municipal engineers and stakeholders for leading climate-resilient development planning. Additionally, the project will promote peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange on climate resilience.
In December 2021, the project team led by Mr. Emani Kumar, Executive Director, ICLEI South Asia, introduced the project objectives and expected outcomes to representatives of key departments of the state government, the Commissioner, the Director of Municipal Administration, and key officials of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation.