Enhancing climate resilience in India’s Gorakhpur city

ICLEI South Asia recently partnered with the RUAF Foundation (Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security) to undertake a formative evaluation of the "Enhancing Climate Resilience of Gorakhpur city by Buffering Floods in the City” project. The project that focuses on climate resilient peri-urban agriculture has been implemented by Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG).
Both the project and the evaluation were supported by Rockefeller Foundation, with the project being implemented under the Foundation’s Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) program.
The evaluation helped to articulate the theory of change and indicator framework for the peri-urban project and also develop a "typology" for peri-urban interventions that could potentially be adapted and replicated. It assess the project progress and makes recommendations for the ongoing management, sustainability and scaling to other areas."
The RUAF Foundation is a leading centre of expertise in the field of (intra- and peri-) Urban Agriculture and City Region Food Strategies.