Financing NDC Implementation through Blended Finance and Green Bonds

Asia LEDS Partnership (ALP) and LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP) Finance Working Group with funding support from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) organized a workshop on ‘Financing NDC Implementation through Blended Finance and Green Bonds’ on 19 December 2018 in New Delhi, India. The workshop was supported by several knowledge partners including UNDP Asia Pacific, cKers Finance, Climate Bonds Initiative, GIZ China, GGGI India, ADB and ReNew Power.
The workshop brought together the state and non-state actors participants from Asian countries including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, China and Indonesia to learn how innovatively across many parts of the world finance is being mobilized for Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation in the form of either Blended Finance and or Green Bonds. The workshop witnessed discussions on the role of blended finance in meeting the demand, its modalities of successes, and lessons learnt.
The workshop also gave an overview of Green Bonds including their structure, issuance process, selection of projects and type of projects being financed, monitoring and verification as well as certification process. The participants also walked through various case studies to understand the need of policy and regulatory environment that case accelerate combined private and public investment to meet the gaps for financing NDC targets.
Additionally, as part of the country consultation and strategy discussions the priority needs of the participating Asian countries were captured and detailed out.