ICLEI South Asia contributes to Indonesian NAMA strategy

Smart Street Lighting (SSL) is the main focus of a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) proposal that the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and GIZ Indonesia have submitted to the German NAMA facility, in the beginning of September, this year. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are a set of national government-prioritized actions aimed at reducing or limiting Green House Gas (GHG) emissions while addressing the development needs of a country. NAMA proposals are typically funded by international NAMA facilities.
Smart Street lighting refers to design based lighting aiming at energy efficiency. SSL may include high efficiency fixtures and automated controls that make adjustments based on conditions such as occupancy or daylight availability. Energy-efficient street lighting can result in significant reductions in energy cost and CO2 emissions, up to even 50%, in the case of LED street lighting. ICLEI South Asia staff, with their expertise in design based street lighting and implementation of Low Emission Development Strategies, have contributed to the development of the mitigation strategy. Together with other consultants, they have visited 6 of several selected project cities in Indonesia to conduct a baseline assessment of the cities’ energy consumption and street lighting arrangements. The financial and institutional capacity of these cities to transition to SSL was also evaluated, to help identify resources to bridge gaps.
ICLEI South Asia is currently working on a detailed implementation plan that will, together with GIZ, be carried out in project cities in Indonesia. The project will be implemented in a phased manner and is expected to start in 2014.