Meet Bedoshruti Sadhukan – Senior Manager (Sustainability)

With a Masters degree in Environment Management, Bedoshruti has been a part of the ICLEI South Asia family from 2007 and is a part of the sustainability management team, working on ecoBudgeting, water and waste related issues. She is also involved in climate adaptation projects.
What has your contribution to city governments been through ICLEI?
Through ICLEI I have helped cities to develop integrated environmental management and poverty alleviation plans linked to urban service delivery, to enable them to monitor – with the use of the ICLEI’s developed tool ecoBudget – improvements in living conditions of the citizens. Through the Service level benchmarking of Indian cities project, I have helped cities to identify their levels of urban services, recognise areas of improvement and prepare information systems and service delivery improvement plans.
I have also organised trainings and workshops on urban biodiversity, where cities have spotted linkages between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation through stakeholder consultations.
Using the ICLEI ACCCRN Process, a resilience toolkit developed for local governments, I have helped cities to discover their vulnerable urban systems and urban populations and plan for climate change adaptation through shared learning dialogues.
How has your experience of working with ICLEI been so far?
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with ICLEI South Asia. It has been a very good experience – of learning and dealing with municipalities.
What, according to you, makes ICLEI a great place to work at?
The best part of working in a place like ICLEI is the support you receive from colleagues and team mates for your work. There is tremendous opportunity to come across interesting ideas and people from other organisations and local governments which enriches you both professionally and personally.