Operationalising E-rickshaw in Gwalior under Smart City Mission

ICLEI South Asia presented the action plan to operationalise e-rickshaw in Gwalior, under Smart City Mission of Government of India, to the Gwalior city officials such as Mr. Vinod Sharma, IAS, Commissioner of Gwalior Municipal Corporation (GMC), Mr. Mahip Tejasvi, CEO, Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) and other officials.
The action plan which includes proposed routes for e-rickshaw was approved by Mr. Sharma, who is also the Board of Director of GSCDCL.
ICLEI South Asia is providing technical support to Gwalior Smart Cities Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) to operationalise e-rickshaw in and around its heritage precinct area i.e. Maharaja Bada. Apart from being the heritage center, Maharaja Bada is the biggest and oldest Central Business District (CBD) not only for the city, but for entire region. The area serves as the backbone of the city’s economy. These Mandi’s are the major trading centers of the region.
As part of the Smart Cities Mission, Gwalior has selected Maharaja Bada area for revitalisation. The initiative includes revitalising its heritage properties along with no vehicle zone to promote its heritage. E-rickshaws are flexible, non-polluting and affordable mean, which has potential to play significant role in solving the last mile connectivity issue to the area. The promotion of e-rickshaws will assist city to phase out polluting tempos from its heritage center. Similarly, e-carts will provide cleaner alternative for movement of goods within the area.
In above context, Gwalior Smart Cities Development Corporation Limited intends to operationalise 100 e-rickshaws and 50 e-loaders. The strategy to operationalise the e-rickshaws and e-carts was discussed along with procurement and operational plan with the city officials which includes Mr. Sharma and Mr. Tejaswi. The officials approved the strategy and requested its team to float tender for procurement on priority mode. E-rickshaws will be plied on 7 routes identified after initial assessment. It is envisaged to phase out polluting rickshaws from some of the routes where Rickshaws will be plied.
As part of the action plan suggested by ICLEI South Asia, GSCDCL will act as a facilitator for large purchase order where up to 150 Beneficiaries will be connected to supplier through singe purchase agreement. It will be mutually beneficial for the buyer as well as supplier. Single large purchase order will assist supplier to setup the service center and charging stations in the city. Apart from better services from the supplier, buyers will be benefited through, low interest loan and subsidy facilitated by GSCDCL. To facilitate the process GSCDCL will:
• Identify the beneficiary/buyers.
• Select most appropriate supplier for E-rickshaws and E-cart in transparent manner.
• Facility the land required for setting up infrastructure such as service center and charging stations.
• Facilitate the available subsidies under National Urban Livelihood mission through Gwalior Municipal Corporation
• Provide guarantee to bank providing financial loan to buyer
• Arrange low interest financial loan from banks and act as a guarantor.
ICLEI South Asia is providing handholding support to Gwalior city to implement sustainable mobility related projects under Smart Cities Mission. The assistance is part of the Supporting Smart Urban Mobility and Built Environment in Indian Cities project supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation.
As part of next steps, GSCDCL will focus on developing infrastructure for e-rickshaws which includes charging station at more than 8 location along with dedicated parking areas and pick-up bays along the operational routes. The strategy to promote E-rickshaw is in line with national electric mobility mission.