Rajkot City Discusses Climate Resilient City Action Plan

Stakeholders in Rajkot convened on the 6th of June 2018 to discuss the Climate Resilient City Action Plan (CRCAP) 2018-2023 for Rajkot, prepared with assistance from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) supported CapaCITIES project, implemented by ICLEI South Asia, South Pole Group, econcept and other partners. Rajkot Municipal Corporation officials, experts, policy makers, academic institutions and various stakeholders reviewed the CRCAP for Rajkot, and deliberated on the several interventions included in the plan. An overview of the CRCAP 2018-2023 was given by the CapaCITIES team. Around 50 people from diverse background took part in the group discussion and provided their views on CRCAP interventions.
City stakeholders discussed existing status of service delivery, and perused the information provided on the GHG emissions inventory of the City, vulnerable areas and associated risks and sector wise resilience interventions. Financial and policy level implications of the plan were discussed. The impact of various mitigation and adaptation related interventions were also discussed with stakeholders.
Mr. Ramamohan, Executive Director, Water and Livelihood Foundation, presented findings of the study on Integrated Water Management in Rajkot, which focused on the current ground water status in Rajkot, opportunities for ground water recharge and scope for wastewater recycling. Sub-watershed management in Rajkot city was discussed in detail. Ground water quality issues were highlighted and discussed.
The event was attended by Mr. Jaiman Upadhyay, Honorable Mayor, Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC); Ms. Darshita Shah, Deputy Mayor, RMC; Mr. D.J. Jadeja, Deputy Municipal Commissioner, RMC; Dr. Shirish Sinha, Deputy Head, SDC; Mr. Emani Kumar, Deputy Secretary General (ICLEI) and Executive Director, ICLEI South Asia; Mr. Martin Stadelmann, Practice Leader Climate Finance, South Pole Group; and Mr. R.V. Ramamohan, Executive Director, Water and Livelihood Foundation.
“Projects like this will help Rajkot in mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation in regular planning process and provide better livability to citizens," said Mr. Jadeja.
Dr. Upadhayay emphasised the need for public participation to ensure implementation of this plan. Prior to the workshop, ICLEI South Asia along with Mr. Martin Stadelmann, Practice Leader Climate Finance, South Pole Group met with senior officials of RMC and discussed finance options for several municipal infrastructure projects i.e. assessment and plan for ensuring last-mile connectivity along the BRT stretch, pre-feasibility of potential electrification of the corridor; Solar PV for affordable housing schemes and pumping stations, and issuance of green bonds.
A short technical session on business models for identified bankable projects and green bonds was held on the 5th of June, 2018. Mr. Stadelmann explained the importance of green bond, current available market and growth in this sector among other things.