Reflecting on Approaches and Methodologies under INTERACT-Bio Project

A methodology workshop was organised as part of the ongoing Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany supported INTERACT-Bio project.
The workshop provide the opportunity for project partners to reflect on the approaches and methodologies followed so far and plan for the remainder of the project.
During the workshop, discussions were held on the need to start documenting the overarching approach and methodology followed so far and capture the country specific adaptations of this approach and methodology.
In addition, detailed country specific approaches and methodology for the remainder of the project were also discussed. The significance of the project in perspective of ICLEI’s post 2020 plan was also discussed.
The workshop was attended by representatives from all participating ICLEI offices (World Secretariat; Africa Secretariat, SAMS and South Asia). The Secretary General of ICLEI also attended the meeting.
The day long discussions were very fruitful and helped all offices to learn from each others’ experience.