Show that you care… Join UNertia!

A collaboration between UNESCO Asia, the Pacific Regional Bureau for Education and UNEP Regional office for Asia and the Pacific, and supported by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, UNertia is a campaign and competition that encourages anyone and everyone, in particular young people, students and schools in the Asia-Pacific region, to engage in sustainable actions which will yield positive environmental benefits in their local communities.
UNertia, which means, a tendency to act upon existing awareness, sprung from the realization that there is a global “inertia” in the area of sustainable development: While it is easy to see the local and global environmental issues around us and advocate for sustainable development, it is much harder to take action and bring about individual and collective behavior change in practice.
Everybody with an interest to increase awareness about sustainability is free to participate! Individuals and schools/youth organizations can enter the competition, by submitting photos (individuals) or sustainable action plans (schools/youth organizations) by the end of June 2014, under one of the following themes: Waste (24 October-24 December 2013), Energy (25 December 2013-25 March 2014), Water (26 March -26 June 2014) or Green Spaces (27 June -27 September 2014). Interested companies and other organizations can contact the UNertia organizers to find ways to support the initiative.
The competition has already started and will continue until September 2014. The first phase, focusing on waste, is soon going to end on 24 December 2013. The two individual actions with the most votes will win a Nikon camera. Schools and groups must submit their final report by June 2014. The winning schools will receive funding to scale up their action after the conclusion of the competition. Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your ideas on making a difference. If you love your environment and your planet as much as we do, UNertia is the place for you.
Show that you care, join UNertia now and register at!
More information can also be found in the UNertia brochure.