Spotlight on Shimla, India – An interview with Mayor Sanjay Chauhan

“Urban Local Bodies are the most important part of the government with direct linkages to the community and the local people. Cities entrusted with planning and implementation are the ones who have the power to shape the future"
What would you describe as Shimla’s main achievements in the field of sustainability?
Shimla, being located in a hilly geographical terrain and vulnerable climate, requires environmental preservation along with development. There is a need to preserve the heritage of the city as much as it is to keep up with the pace of development. Keeping these views in consideration, the city government is trying to make development in our city eco-friendly. Some of the initiatives that have been taken by the city towards sustainability are promotion of non-fuel based transportation like ropeways and battery-driven cars, promotion of decentralized sanitation, a 24/7 water supply and door to door collection of solid waste.
How has ICLEI South Asia’s support helped you achieve these goals?
In this era of globalization, there is a need to consider the whole world as a village. The globalization and the pace of development require organizations that could help in developing linkages, replicate ideas and provide knowledge transfer. ICLEI has filled in for the above requirements and helped Shimla to move one step ahead towards sustainability.