Study on impact of climate change on migration in Siliguri under CapaCITIES project

A study to understand the impact of climate change on migration has been initiated by the Indian Institute of Human Settlements in Siliguri. This initiative is also supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the results from the same will complement the ongoing work under the CapaCITIES project in the city.
As part of this initiative four wards – 20, 24, 4 and 46 have been identified for detailed studies. Focus group discussions in slums of wards 4 ad 24 were carried out this month. These discussions focused on separate interactions with men, women and the elderly. An overview of the prevailing situation has been documented.
In the next visit, similar interactions will be carried out in wards 46 and 20. One to one discussions will also be carried out with some people in each of these wards. Detailed discussions to understand the policy and governance level issues have also been carried out with the mayor and other officials in Siliguri Municipal Corporation.
The final report will aim at better addressing the issue of migration in the city of Siliguri.