Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Visits Siliguri

Ms. Marylaure Crettaz, Head, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Dr. Shirish Sinha, Deputy Director, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation carried out a three day visit to Siliguri. They were accompanied by all partners of the CapaCITIES team.
The delegation carried out detailed discussions with the officials of Siliguri Municipal Corporation, including Shri Asok Bhattacharya, Mayor; Shri Dilip Singh, Chairman; Shri Ram Bhajan Mahato, Deputy Mayor and Shri Sonam Wangdi Bhutia, Commissioner.
During this visit, Ms. Crettaz and Shri Bhattacharya inaugurated one of the air quality monitoring machines and the display board, installed in the building complex of Siliguri Municipal Corporation. The delegation also undertook a train ride to Naxalbari. A prefeasibility study for a rail based mass transport system on this route is being carried out through the CapaCITIES project.
A function was organised in Ward 2 (one of the two wards in the city that have been chosen for SUNYA in the city) to kick off SUNYA project.
A symbolic distribution of dustbins was carried out by Ms. Crettaz and the other dignitaries at the function. The delegation also carried out a visit in Ward 2 and to the dumpsite.
The CapaCITIES project will also undertake a study on the partial closure of the dumpsite in a scientific manner.