The project analyzed current strategies for waste prevention and management and assessed how they contribute towards resilience and resource efficiency. UrbanWINS developed and tested methods for designing and implementing eco-innovative strategic plans for waste prevention and management in 8 pilot cities. The strategic plans were created in a citizen engagement process and resulted in three […]
Innovative strategic plans for urban waste reduction and management (UrbanWINS)
Within this project ICLEI accelerates knowledge transfer and dialogue and raise awareness of innovative public procurement in the field of Education and Technology Enhanced Learning across Europe. Specifically, ICLEI support by setting up a European follower group of cities/public procurers interested in the LEA project and technologies.
Learning Technology Accelerator (LEA)
With support from the Korea Environmental Corporation and the World Bank, ICLEI is supporting the cities of Dharamshala and Kullu-Manali in Himachal Pradesh in the preparation of solid waste management strategies and action plans, as a pilot to improve integrated solid waste management for the mountainous regions of Pakistan, India, and Nepal. The project supports […]
Supporting the Development of Sustainable Solid Waste Management Strategies for the Mountainous Regions of Pakistan, India and Nepal
The Circular PP project studies the current state of knowledge on circular public procurement in the Baltic sea region, builds capacity on circular procurement among relevant stakeholders, and delivers and implements pilot procurement programs. ICLEI provides mentoring services to the city of Aalborg in the implementation of two circular procurement pilots, as well as project […]
Circular Public Procurement (PP)
ICLEI is carrying out a baseline assessment of the ecosystems and the services they provide to the city of Gangtok. ICLEI will complete a review of the policy environment with regard to biodiversity conservation is and a natural asset map for the city, which will all help to set the baseline for the Local Biodiversity […]
Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Gangtok
The project promotes sustainable management of high range Himalayan ecosystems to secure conservation of globally significant wildlife, including endangered snow leopard and their habitats and ensures sustainable livelihoods for local community in the four high altitude landscapes in the Trans- and Greater Himalayan region. These actions are aimed at maintaining ecosystem values and ameliorating climate […]
Secure Himalaya_Himachal Pradesh
ICLEI supports the Assam State Government to prepare a nomination dossier which highlights Majuli Island’s Unique Natural and Cultural heritage which will enable it to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Preparation of the UNESCO World Heritage – Dossier for Majuli Island
The City-Business Collaboration Accelerator (CiBiX) is a platform to increase engagement and collaboration between cities and businesses on city-led urban sustainability challenges. Through CiBiX, ICLEI provides a neutral platform that enables local government to take an active role in presenting their challenges to relevant private sector experts. Together they are able to participate in an […]
The Urban Nexus project started out as a bottom-up initiative operating primarily at the city level. GIZ and ICLEI provide customized technical assistance to cities depending on the thematic focus of the cities’ nexus pilot projects. However, national, regional and provincial-level legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks are crucial determinants for local decision-making with regard to […]
ICLEI’s main activities in the project include: Taking the lead in transferring and customizing NBS, Co-developing NBS replication roadmap for FE, Co-developing the Urban NBS Plan along with the funding and investment strategies for FE, Co-developing the NBS implementation plan and opportunity-based implementation in FE districts and Launching a CLEVER Exchange Programme by organizing webinars, […]