In order for national and local governments to better appreciate the need for safe walking and cycling facilities, Africa’s urban citizens need to challenge the widely held assumption that they all wish to drive cars by showing their support for walking and cycling. Various local initiatives around the continent (such as car-free days, place making, […]
The goals of the European Innovation Council are: • Putting Europe at the forefront of market-creating innovation (fundamentally different from existing markets, e.g. through a new combination of physical and digital issues, of products and services, of technologies and business models). • Providing EU added value by focusing on innovators / companies with the potential […]
The European Innovation Council (EIC)
The ICLEI EcoLogistics Community is the first city network globally committed to a sustainable urban freight future. The Community leads sustainable urban freight development in participating cities and drive global actions in the international stage through collaborative exchange and action plans and stakeholder engagements. Cities benefit from being part of the Community through the shared […]
SOLUTIONSplus is coordinated by the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) and joined by 45 worldwide partners. The project aims to enable transformational change towards sustainable urban mobility through innovative and integrated electric mobility solutions. Project cities will be able to demonstrate different types of innovative and integrated e-mobility solutions, complemented by a comprehensive toolbox, capacity […]
A select group of approximately 15 Australian local governments is being invited to join a Pioneer Group. This group will register on the CWN global website and will then participate in a needs assessment conducted jointly by ICLEI Oceania and Swinburne University. The results will be used to develop a tailored package of resources and […]
CitiesWithNature Australia
>> See also project description. ICLEI organizes five strategic workshops for the network members on four thematic vision clusters (future proof, 100% renewable, zero waste, human scale) and on the organization of an EGCA laureate year. Develops a set of well-structured toolkits, combining print and online resources that inspire cities to embark on or further […]
EGCN (European Green Capital Network)
ICLEI KO is connecting this national & local event with global issues and trends. KO helps the co-organizer and hosting city see and know what front-running country and cities are doing at similar events and efforts. SDGs Studio that was introduced in the Global SDGs Festival took place in Bonn in May 2019 was replicated […]
Korea Festival on Sustainable Development
The project aims to improve the NDCs, including increasing ambition, as part of the Paris Agreement NDC update process; In addition to assisting in the accelerated implementation of NDCs, providing knowledge and technical training in the country. CAEP will provide support to countries through existing support programs of its institutional and associate members and through […]
Mitigating the impacts of climate change in the relevant sectors, with the preparation of a technical study of climate risk and the respective adaptation plan through the MOVE platform; Promote actions and measures to control and reduce GHG emissions by updating the GHG Inventory using the CLIMAS software and the GPC methodology; Establish paths to […]
The event was organized by ICLEI SAMS in partnership with Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment of , Regions4, Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support initiative, the support of CETESB, Fundação Florestal, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (RBMA), the envolvement of ICLEI Africa and Cities Biodiversity […]