Abandoned borewell recharge in Solapur, an AdoptIUWM city, sets an example for drought-hit Maharashtra

A pilot project for recharge of abandoned bore wells in Neelam Nagar area of Solapur, being implemented under the AdoptIUWM project, has been inaugurated on July 29, 2016. Mayor Ms Abute, along with the representative from European Commission Mr Shouvik Dutta, inaugurated the roof top rain water harvesting structure at Shantai Ashram in Neelam Nagar. The pilot project focuses on undertaking roof top rain water harvesting and connecting the recharge pit to the shaft of abandoned bore well. Similar roof top harvesting is being undertaken at two more sites in Neelam Nagar area (a community hand pump near a temple, and EWS housing).
The event saw a high turnout with representatives from Solapur Municipal Corporation, along with ward councilors, Ashram authorities and residents of Neelam Nagar. The Mayor appreciated the interventions being made by ICLEI South Asia and promised full support in maintenance and replication of the rain water harvesting structures. The ceremony was followed by a tree plantation initiative on the site. ICLEI South Asia would also impart training to members of Neelam Nagar stakeholder committee on operation and maintenance of these rain water harvesting structures post implementation.
In another development under AdoptIUWM, a door-to-door waste collection project in Kishangarh completed a month in Ward 28 and residents were satisfied with the scheme and the resultant cleanliness in the Ward. More than 65 percent user fee collection has been completed in the ward till date (collection is still ongoing) and distribution of bins is now being extended to Ward 17.