Asia LEDS Partnership announces Community of Practice on Energy, Finance and Transport

The Asia LEDS Partnership has launched three Communities of Practice (CoPs) on energy, transport and finance. In 2018, each of the CoPs will focus on peer learning, expert assistance and knowledge exchange through discussions, workshops, seminars, case studies, and such like. The CoPs provide opportunity for sustained engagement among countries for learning and technical collaboration, and the opportunity for additional direct technical support for government organisations or its representatives to receive support in advancing LEDS.
The ALP invites suitable nominations and partners to co-develop any of the community of practice, provide technical support and co-sponsor other activities.
1. Energy: Grid Scale Renewable Energy Community of Practice (GRE CoP)
The ALP has received about 40 participant nominations to the GRE CoP from nine countries: Vietnam, Laos PDR, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Philippines, Nepal, China, India and Myanmar. Based on the feedback, three topics are selected for the first three moderated sessions – two are intended to be online and the third one is being tentatively planned as an in-person workshop at the Asia Clean Energy Forum.
Session 1: Strategic Energy Planning was held on 4th of April, 2018. The session was attended by participants from several Asian Countries including Bangladesh, Laos PDR, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Nepal. The first interactive online session of the GRE CoP introduced participants to the fundamental building blocks that can help countries establish the policy, regulatory, and investment environment needed to achieve large-scale deployment of Renewable Energy (RE) to meet their low emissions and economic development goals and also provided a deep dive on strategic energy planning, helping participants become familiar with methods, terminology and potential benefits of energy planning; target setting and how this fits into long-term and cross sectorial planning for low emissions development strategies.
Upcoming energy sessions:
Session 2: Smart Incentives and Enabling Environment for Renewable Energy Development (early May): This session will focus on understanding how the implementation of innovative RE policies and incentives can accelerate private sector investment, increase cost competitiveness and spur large scale RE deployment. It will cover key aspects that can lend to creating an enabling policy, regulatory and financial environment necessary for scale up of renewables, including tax policies, quotas, subsidies and other financial mechanisms. Participants will also learn about best practices and emerging trends in other countries.
Session 3: Renewable Energy Grid Integration (early June): This session will focus on providing a basic understanding of how grids operate, and the challenges and solutions that come with integrating high levels of renewables sources to the grid. Participants will understand basic concepts of grid reliability and stability. They will also be explained about the frequently used options to increase flexibility, including both physical systems and institutional frameworks.
Please click here to submit further nominations for the Grid Renewable Energy Community of Practice. The GRE CoP concept note can be downloaded here.
2. Transport: Clean Mobility CoP will cover learning and technical collaboration on following topics:
– Cleaner mobility with a focus on usage of clean fuels, electric mobility, technology and creation of supporting infrastructure.
– Policy and regulatory framework for public transport along with involvement of private sector.
Expected participants: National and subnational governments, regulators, utilities, line ministries, transport operators, technical/ training institution and experts from transport sector and transport working group from your country.
Click here to submit nominations for the transport CoP by 11th of April, 2018. The Transport – Mobility CoP concept note can be downloaded here.
3. The NDC Finance CoP will cover learning and technical collaboration on following topics:
• Lowering the cost and risk of capital – identify strategies and interventions to lower the cost and risk of capital for renewable energy finance. Tentative topics planned to be covered are blended capital, green banks, green bonds, and low carbon project preparation and financing strategies
• Attracting private finance through smart policy and enabling environments – through regulations, permitting, pricing and other financial incentives
Expected participants: National (Ministry of finance, energy, environment, National energy commissions, etc.) and sub-national governments, private sector, utilities, academia and international organisations that design, finance and implement renewable energy deployment.
Click here to submit nominations for the finance CoP by 13th of April, 2018. The NDC Finance CoP concept note can be downloaded here.
A concept note for the sub-national integration community of practice is being finalised and is expected to be launched shortly. For the latest updates on the CoP please check the CoP webpage on ALP website.