Connecting the dots’ on non-motorized transportation in India

How ready or prepared are Indian city governance structures to implement and promote non-motorized transport? The website Connecting the dots, a project website on non-motorized transportation in Indian cities developed under the Ecomobility Readiness Assessment project supported by the Shakti Foundation aims to answer this question and more.
The Ecomobility Readiness Assessment project assessed 28 cities around India to study their readiness or preparedness to implement non-motorized transport initiatives in terms of their policies, capacities, resources and awareness towards ecomobility.
The site will feature the assessment results, information about innovative and unique mobility practices in the participant cities, and mobility initiatives around the country.
Ecomobility readiness asssessment tool: the cities were assessed using a specialized tool developed under the project covering a range of questions divided into categories of 5 Es: engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation. The tool is easy to use, and available online for free.
Check out the blog! The project blog catalogs the experiences of carrying out this project, interesting snapshots from the variety of cities visited, and issues impacting non-motorized transport in urban India.
For 140-character blasts of information, follow our updates on Twitter: @ecomobilityNMT
Join the project: we welcome more cities around India to participate in the assessment! Contact us at ecomobility-sa@ for more information!