Development of Sustainable Urban Development Framework (SUDF) for IMT-GT Region

ICLEI South Asia, with support from the Centre for IMT-GT Cooperation (CIMT), is developing a Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) Framework for the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) region. The IMT-GT is a sub-regional cooperation initiative by the Governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, to accelerate economic transformation in the region.
The SUD Framework is envisaged as an enabling framework to support transformative GrEEEn (Environment, Economy and Energy) Growth in the region. It is based on an integrated approach, where the principles of a socially inclusive, economically viable, and resilient and environmentally sound growth, drive all decisions and actions, resulting in sustained and resilient economic development in the region. The framework will address multiple thematic areas and programmes; and will include sector wise demand-driven projects, their impacts and relevant financing mechanisms for future implementation.
Interactive workshops are being conducted in all three countries to identify sector priorities; the first workshop in Songkhla, Thailand, in December 2016, confirmed seven priority sectors, including urban planning, water, waste management, energy, transport, tourism and biodiversity. Similar workshops are also being planned in Malaysia and Indonesia in the coming weeks.
Implementation of the framework will enhance the adoption of sustainable development interventions, creating green investment opportunities to accelerate the growth of green and liveable cities. The SUD framework will guide identification and implementation of priority sector projects in 15-20 cities in the region.