Municipal Solid Waste Management Exposure Workshops in Indore

ICLEI South Asia conducted Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) solid waste management exposure workshops, supported by National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), in Indore from 6th to 8th of February 2019 and 12th to 14th of February 2019 respectively.
The workshops seek to strengthen institutional capacities at ULBs towards collection, treatment, disposal and efficient management of various types and categories of wastes, promote 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiatives. They also aim to disseminate good practices and facilitate integrated efforts towards achieving improvement in general health of city environment.
Around 80 officers comprising of city commissioners, chief engineers and assistant engineers from over 60 cities participated in the training. The workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Rohan Saxena, Additional Commissioner of Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC). Additional Commissioner informed participants about the good practices of Indore city on solid waste management.
The training workshop consisted of presentations, group discussions, exercises, and site visits. One day field visit was organised for participants to give them an idea of some solid waste management good practices like door to door collection of segregated waste, transfer station, centralised processing facility, sewerage treatment plant, biomethanation plant and decentralised waste composting facility for park waste.
The training workshop at Indore saw a positive engagement of the participants. They discussed about the issues and challenges faced in implementation of SWM services in their respective cities. Ms Shaymla Mani, Professor, NIUA headed the valedictory session and provided certificates to the participants at the end of the training workshop.