Transport Experts Plan to Decongest Siliguri Roads

As part of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation supported CapaCITIES project, a study to decongest major arterial roads in Siliguri has been initiated.
A team of transport experts from The Urban Lab visited the city in this regard. They carried out extensive discussions with officials of Siliguri Municipal Corporation to understand the present situation of transport in the city.
The team also undertook detailed city visit and carried out initial traffic volume counts at major junctions in the city.
The study will be conducted over the next four months and will lead to development of a circulation plan for major arterial roads, which segregates local and long-distance trips and reduces the friction between different road users.
A decongestion strategy for major roads along the core market area and a detailed improvement design of all intersections along core market area on arterial and major traffic movement corridors in the city will also be developed.