In India E-rickshaws are zero tailpipe emission modal options used as first/last mile connectivity and other short trips in cities. Due to their characteristics of being demand-responsive, affordable, flexible, and convenient, these E-rickshaws are welcomed by commuters and operators. It has become popular in Indian cities for last-mile connectivity and ferry nearly 60 million people daily. It is estimated that almost 11000 e-rickshaws hit the street every month. This large-scale unorganized growth of mode had resulted in a set of challenges, such as the absence of standardization of parts, electricity thefts, negative externalities due to inferior batteries, sub-par driving, to name a few. If a planned approach is followed to introduce e-rickshaws in the mobility system of a city, it may result in effective inclusion and operation. This requires transforming the current operational model into more sustainable.
As part of the initiative, ICLEI South Asia would develop and implement a pilot in two Indian cities to demonstrate the possibility and potential through planned operations of E-rickshaws. The proposed demonstration approach includes creating conditions for the planned inclusion of E-rickshaws into the city mobility system. The approach would address the root causes of the key barriers such as ad-hoc growth of mode, the lack of information and awareness, the policy and planning challenges, limited institutional capacity, and charging infrastructure and range anxiety. It would supports cities to implement short-term (e.g. demonstrations) measures for achieving the desired transformation. The outcomes of these efforts will be the multiple environmental benefits of reduced GHG as well as reduced externalities from this mode.
Country: India
City: Delhi and Kochi
Duration: 12 months (January 2022-December 2022)